In this first installment of Way's "Power of Experiential" series, Bryan Woody, Regional Vice President at Auberge Resorts Collection and GM of Madeline Hotel and Residences, shares how the property unlocks its "Soul of Place" through one-of-a-kind experiences.
Watch the video to discover:
Auberge Resorts Collection is unique to the market because, first and foremost, we have experience curators at all of our properties. Everything we do from an operational standpoint and experiential standpoint is hand-selected and curated to ensure that our travelers feel that they're getting the most out of that destination and that those unique and local experiences are theirs to enjoy.
— Bryan Woody, Regional Vice President at Auberge Resorts Collection and GM of Madeline Hotel and Residences
"Power of Experiential" is Way’s thought leadership series that delves into the transformative role experiences play for the world’s leading hospitality brands. From luxury resorts in remote destinations to city-center hotels, this series will highlight how key decision makers innovative experiential strategies that elevate guest engagement, set properties apart, and shape the future of hospitality. Each installment showcases how experiences not only enhance guest stays but also redefine what exceptional service looks like in today’s evolving travel landscape.
Schedule time with our team to learn more about how you can join hundreds of leading hotels and resorts powering experiential programming with Way.
Download Way's free trend report to explore the top experiences in 2025.
“I knew I needed a product to streamline programming,” said Kaitlin Broumpton, Head of Food and Beverage at The Inn at Mattei’s Tavern, Auberge Resorts Collection. “Being able to send my team to one place to show what’s new has significantly improved our processes and systems.”
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